第325章 上位李南小说在线阅读

作者: 一条小睿敏

  We just danced I even asked for her number?br>(Don't be mackin, we're the life of the party?br>We aint really tryna hurt nobody?Talk To Him Boy!)


  I'm not being cocky, I Just know this。。

  That she was looking at me!

  Chill homeboy be cool

  Coz there ain't no reason for all that fussin' at me!

  It's just gettin' started?

  And theres alotta fish around here just shakin' their jelly!

  (I aint tryna be rude dude but we're tryna tear up the place c'mon!)

  It ain't nothing to it?

  If you wanna get down we can do it, do it!

  It ain't nothing to it?br>Get out your seat。。(why?) You ain't glued to it!

  Be easy anda watch that toooone!

  Keep steppin' with your new suede shoes oooon!

  Everbody just get on the good foot!

  (Get on the good foot)

  If you keep on pressin' on me!

  (That don't bother me nuttin)

  Cause I see every fish in the sea?br>(Anda I'ma get the baddest one!)

  You take yourself so seriously?br......


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